The journey of Timing Belts Continues....

Good Evening Everyone.....!!!

Today we are going to continue our previous learning ''Timing Belt''. Hopefully we are delivering you the same as you expect from us. If you need more details or want to know another related terms, you can convey us. We always eager to hear your suggestions to improvise ourselves. 

Let's continue...

Here we are going to use Synchronous Belt & Timing BeltSprocket & Pulley interchangeably so don't get confuse with these terms.

Working Principle of Timing Belt:-

Molded teeth of the belt make a positive engagement with the pulley grooves, the teeth enter & leaves the pulley in a smooth manner which results the power transmission from engine to equipment.

Advantages of Timing(Synchronous) Belt:-

1. All Synchronous Belt operate on positive engagement principle.Synchronous Belt wrap around the pulley by means of flexion. This eliminates the causes of  wear & noise.

2. No need of lubrication.

3. Exact shaft synchronization.

4. Eliminate the slippage & speed loss.

5. Combine power transmission & conveying needs with high torque & low rpm.

6. No hidden costs.

Structural  Designing of Timing Belt:-

Main components of Timing Belts are Tensile Cord, Tooth , Tooth Facing & Rubber Backing (Coating).
1. Tensile Cord:-   Tensile cord is the load bearing material in Synchronous Belt. Steel cords was used originally. Today Synchronous belt are available with  Glass fiber & Aramid fiber as a tensile cord.

To Be Continued......  


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