
Showing posts from December, 2018

Special Belts : Battery Pasting Belts

  Good Evening Everyone...!!! Today we are going to discuss about a Special Type of Belt "Battery Pasting Belts". Let's start it with a brief Introduction. ★ Brief Introduction We offer new generation truly endless, without any joint, battery pasting belts for Grid Pasting Machines used in Automotive & Industrial Battery manufacturing units. These belts have higher abrasion resistance with additional advantage of minimizing consumption of paste which helps in increasing the life and also reducing the cost of production. This effectively decreases the frequency of replacing the belts, thus controlling the downtime while increasing the productivity, thereby reducing the cost in the long turn. ★ Advantages The advantages of the non-woven AGETEMP® Battery pasting belts are:  Truly endless, without joint – all the surface of the belt is the same, no weak points  Longer life of the belt helps in extended change period  Higher abrasion resist...

Modutech Belt Material

Good Evening Everyone.....!!! Today we are going to discuss about ''Type Of Material & Application'' of Modutech Series of Belts.                                              Standard Materials 1. Polypropylene(PP) : Standard material for most conveying applications. Excellent chemical resistance, FDA approved Temp Range :- +5°C to +80°C 2. Polyethylene (PE): For low temperature applications, good resistance to impact. Excellent chemical resistance. Not recommended for abrasive applications. FDA approved Tempreature Range -70°C to +60°C 3. Acetal (AC): Low friction coefficient, high traction force for heavy load applications. Low chemical resistance. FDA  approved Temp Range:  Dry conditions- -38°C to +90°C,                          Wet conditi...

Modutech : Nomenclature Description

Good Evening Everyone....!!!! Today we shall discuss about ''Modutech Series Nomenclature". I hope this article will help you a lot & this will steer your understanding. Modutech Belts are categorised in 3 series. 1. MD Series 2. HP Series 3. EC Series MD Series: Small Pulley Diameter MD series modular belts have a pitch of 12.7 mm allowing a nose bar diameter of 20mm to be achieved.The polygonal effect is consequently reduced which results in less vibration and improves the stability of small products being conveyed. Modular belts with LF Type facilitate accumulation and release of products. HP Series: High Traction Force HP series modular belts have a high traction force and reduced vibration during operation. HP series modular belts are particularly suited to long center distances, and applications which require a high resistance to impact. EC Series: Easy Clean EC series modular belts feature a smooth upper face wh...

Tobbaco Industry Processing Belts

Good Evening Eveyone...!!! Today we are going to discuss '' Tobacco Processing Belts ". A wide range of conveyor and processing belts are required in the tobacco industry. These belts are the key elements which ensure the efficient and trouble-free flow of the material in different processing stage. More than 20 years service in tobacco industry, AG DERCO Belting provides the full range of products and solutions which must meet the increasing requirements from our customers. With excellent chemical and mechanical properties and extensive meet the requirements for production reliability and productivity. O ur tobacco conveyor and processing belts are made of- 1.     PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), 2.     2. PU(Polyurethane) 3.     PE (Polyolefine), 4.     TPEE(Polyester)   5.     TPO(Thermoplastic polyolefine) Physical Features Offered- 1.Quick and easy installation ...

Selection Of Proper Conveyor Belt For Conveyors

Hello, Good Evening Everyone....!!! Today we are going to discuss about " Selection Of  Proper Conveyor Belt For Conveyors". I hope this guide will steer you to select right conveyor belt. 1. Dimension:- The most important factor to selecting a proper conveyor belt for conveyor system is Dimension.  Record accurate dimension & don't forget to take into consideration the measurement of cleats, guides, special cover etc. 2. Conveyor Physical Information:- Try to get more physical information about the conveyor. You can gather information about these points. a. What is pulley diameter? b. Is it flat, incline or decline? c. Are conveyor pulleys lagged? d. Is it a slider or roller bed? e. How fast is belt travelling? 3. Area Of Application :- It is very important to record area of application of conveyor belt. Make sure these points:- a. Is food safety is required ? b. Is runninng product is oily or sticky? c. How much is carrying load per square m...

How to Calculate Conveyor Belt Speed

Good Evening Everyone....!!! Today we learn "How to Calculate Conveyor Belt Speed" Measure the circumference of the rollers in the conveyor , calculate revolutions per minute and then multiply these two figures together to determine conveyor belt speed. The speed at which the conveyor belt moves depends on the size of the rollers and their revolutions per minute. Measure the diameter of the rollers around which the conveyor belt is wrapped. Multiply the diameter of the roller by 3.14159. This calculation yields the circumference of the rollers. Every time the roller spins one revolution, the conveyor is moved a linear distance equivalent to the circumference of the roller. Measure the revolutions per minute of the rollers. Count how many full rotations are made by the roller in one minute. Multiply the RPM by the circumference of the roller. This calculation provides the linear distance traversed by a point on the conveyor belt in one minute. Calculate the dist...

Conveyor Solution Series 2

Good Evening Everyone....!!! Today we are back with earlier blog Series 2 '' Conveyor Belt Common Problems & Solutions". We have covered 7 points so now let us move on to next. 8. Belt slips while running:-  A. Insufficient traction between belt and drive pulley. Make sure drive pulley is free of build up. Lag Drive pulley. Increase belt wrap on drive pulley. Increase belt tension.  B. Inadequate belt tension. Increase weight on gravity take up. Increase tension at screw take-up. C. Pulley lagging is worn or not adequate to produce sufficient traction. Replace with new or correct pulley lagging. D. Forzen Idlers. Replace or repair frozen idlers. Improve maintenance of Idlers. E. Material build-up on the pulley face or conveyor structure. Clean System, improve material containment, install cleaners, check skirting, install material ploughs and scrapers. F. One or more of the system pulleys are below the acceptable diameter. Replace pulley...

Fast Moving Industrial Belts...# PVC Coated Belts

Hello Everyone...!!! Today we shall discuss a very general and fast moving industrial belt " PVC Coated Belts" which is widely used in most of the industries. So let's have a look in detail:- PVC stands for PolyVinyl Chloride. PVC is a thermoplastic material. Thermoplastic materials are those that can be melted again & again. These materials heated to a certain tempreature and will harden as they cool again. PVC can be clear or coloured, flexible or rigid depending upon added compounds and the final application that needs to be achieved. TYPES:- 1. General Conveying Belts 2. Oil Resistant Belts 3. Abrasion Resistant Belts 4. Accumulation Resistant Belt 5. Bulk Product conveying Belts 6. Food Grade Belts 7. Flame Retardant Belts..and many more Application Area:- 1. General Conveying of Materials 2. Fruit & Vegetable Processing 3. Meat & Poultry 4. Confectionery 5. Paper Mills 6. Animal Feed Industries 7. Tradmill...and many more Se...

Conveyor Belt Problems & Solutions Continues...

Hello, Good Evening Everyone....!!! Today we are continuing our earlier blog '' Conveyor Belt Common Problems & Solutions". We covered three points yesterday now let us move on to next. 4. Belt runs off at the head pulley:- A. Material build- up on the pulley face or conveyor structure. Clean system, improve material containment, install cleaners, check skirting, install belt scrappers at head pulley. B. The pulley and or the idlers are out of square with the belt centreline. Readjust pulleys and or idlers. C. Pulley lagging is worn or not adequate to produce sufficient traction. Replace with new or correct pulley lagging. D. Idler stands are not centred to the belt. Readjust the stands for proper alignment. 5. Belt runs off at tail pulley:- A. The belt is running off centre as it comes around the tail pulley and/or through the load point. Re-track belt, install traning idlers on the return prior to the tail pulley. B. Material build-up on the ...

Conveyor Belt Common Problems & Solutions

Hello, Good Evening Everyone....!!! Today we are back with a most general topic'' Common Problems of Conveyor Belts & Solutions''. 1. Excessive top cover wear over entire top surface or in load carrying area:- A. The top cover quality is not adequate for the system/material being conveyed. Upgrade to a heavier top cover. Upgrade to a better cover compound. B . Off centre loading or improper loading of the belt. Make sure loading chute places the load in the centre of the belt. Make sure the direction of the material down the chute is in the direction of the belt travel. C.   Material build up on the pulley faces of the return idlers,or on the conveyor structure itself. Clean system, improve material containment, install cleaners, check skirting, install belt scrappers after the head pulley. D. Frozen, dirty or misaligned return idlers. Clean rollers, properly align rollers, install cleaning devices at head pulley, use self cleaning rollers, improve m...

Conveyor Terms...Continue...

Good Evening Everyone...!!! Today we are going to continue our earlier topic ''Conveyor Terms''. Let's start it with Conveyor Belts. Conveyor Belt:- Conveyor belt is a continuous moving band that moves the product, supported by frames & rotated by driven pulley. Crowned Pulley:- Crowned pulley is larger at centre than at the ends in order to help maintain belt tracking. A conveyor belt will always run toward the longest part of the conveyor, so by making the pulley slightly larger in the center, it ensures that the belt will tend to run in the center of the conveyor. Drive Mounting Package:- A drive mounting package is the connection between the drive pulley and the gearmotor. They typically allow the gearmotor to be mounted either to the side of the conveyor or below or above the conveyor. Feet Per Minute/ Meter Per Second:- Feet Per Minute (FPM) is a standard measure of conveyor speed. It measures the number of feet the belt moves in one min...

Introduction : Movex Zero Contact Modular Belt

Good Evening Everyone...!!! Today we are here with new modular belt ''Zero Contact''. Here we are going to discuss about it's Design, Features & Applications with a live demonstration. Let's start with it's Designing .... Zero contact is available in different widths with a closed top surface. Polyamide material is used in  construction as well screws & nuts are made of stainless steel & zinc plated steel. Features: 1. Speed upto 70 meters per minute. 2. Maximum working load 13500 N/m (belt width) 3. Minimum width available :- 200 mm 4. Maximum width available :- 1000 mm 5. Open Area :-0% 6. Rm at first sprocket: 650mm-to-1450mm 7. Constant inner radius & reduced pitch. 8. Less floor space required.  Area of Application: Packaging Industry: It's capable of handling a variety of packages sizes, types and configurations including delicate products exiting a shrink wrapper.

Common Conveyor Belt Problems

Hello Everyone....!!! Today we are going to discuss '' Common Conveyor Belt Problems'' which is faced by most of the industries. 1. Mistracking:-  Conveyor belt tracking, the process of aligning and managing a belt to maintain a specific path, is critical to creating the desired output of your system. When the belt drifts from one side to the other, also known as mis-tracking, you’re susceptible to unforeseen downtime, belt damage, product damage, and maintenance troubleshooting issues.  Uneven belt wear, and even an entire system malfunction, can occur when a belt runs off its normal track. 2. Belt Slippage:- When it comes to conveyor belts, too little or too much tension can cause a direct impact to the performance of your operations. If your head pulley wears down, there is no longer an adequate amount of traction to grip the belt causing excessive stretching, audible squeals, and conveyance slippage to occur. Time-consuming maintenance is often neede...

Tooth Profile & Pitch Profile of Timing Belts.

Good Evening Everyone.....!!! Today's topic for discussion is ''Tooth Profile & Pitch sizes with application''. So let's start with Tooth Profiles of Timing Belts. Tooth Profiles:- There are two types of tooth profiles in Timing Belts-- 1. Trapezoidal Tooth Profile 2. Curvilinear Tooth Profile Trapezoidal Profile:-                              Curvilinear Tooth Profile:- Types of Pitches:- 1. Imperial Pitch (Measured in Inches) 2. Metric Pitch (Measured in Mm) Imperial Pitch Profile(Trapezoidal Tooth Profile):-   Metric Pitch Profile(Trapezoidal Tooth Profile):- For more deatils as per application click on mentioned link. Thanks & Have a great Eve.......

Timing Belt Construction...

Hello Everyone....!!! In our previous learning we have learned about Advantages, main components & the structure of Timing Belt. So let's continue... Teeth Facing:- The teeth of a belt molded of a hard rubber component & the teeth of belt are jacketed with tough and abrasion resistant tooth facing. In a simple tooth facing is just a covering of tough material over the teeth of belt. Rubber Backing/ Coating:- Rubber backing encase the tensile cord. It protects the tensile cord from dirt & contamination. Rubber Backing or Coating can be of different material as per application & usage. Belt Construction:- Timing or Synchronous Belts are made of S & Z Twist tensile cords to minimize belt tracking force on pulley flanges. Synchronous Belt Terms:                                                        ...

The journey of Timing Belts Continues....

Good Evening Everyone.....!!! Today we are going to continue our previous learning ''Timing Belt''. Hopefully we are delivering you the same as you expect from us. If you need more details or want to know another related terms, you can convey us. We always eager to hear your suggestions to improvise ourselves.  Let's continue... Here we are going to use Synchronous Belt & Timing Belt ,  Sprocket & Pulley interchangeably so don't get confuse with these terms. Working Principle of Timing Belt:- Molded teeth of the belt make a positive engagement with the pulley grooves, the teeth enter & leaves the pulley in a smooth manner which results the power transmission from engine to equipment. Advantages of Timing(Synchronous) Belt:- 1. All Synchronous Belt operate on positive engagement principle.Synchronous Belt wrap around the pulley by means of flexion. This eliminates the causes of  wear & noise. 2. No need of lu...

The Journey of Timing Belts

Good Evening Everyone, Hopefully all of you are doing well...... So today we are going to learn about ''Timing Belts''. So let's start timing belt from the beginning . Beginning of the Timing Belt: The first known timing belt was used in 1945. In 1962 Glas1004 was the first mass produced vehicle to use an overhead camshaft engine with a timing belt.  Fiat's 124 twin cam engine developed in early 1960s was thee first mass production engine to have belt driven twin camshaft. In 1966, Vauxhall Motors started production of the Slant Four single overhead cam four-cylinder design which used a timing belt, a configuration which became one of the most common. Nowadays there is a wide scope of Timing Belts instead of automobile industry. Application Area of Timing Belts at present: 1. Pumps 2. Printing 3. Energy 4. Industrial Installation 5. Medical 6. Conveyor System 7. Fitness 8. Small Tools 9. Small Electrical Equipment 10...

Max Schlatterer Esband

                                                   Good Evening Everyone,  Today we are here with a new topic ''Vacuum Belts'' mainly used in Packing Industry. The brand we are going to discuss is  Max Schlatterer Esband. Esband Vacuum Belts The vacuum belts (trigger belts) are mainly used in vertical forming, filling and sealing machines, so-called tubular bag machines. The basis of these vacuum toothed belts for tublar baged machines is always an endless toothed belt with a winding nose on the back of the toothed belt. This is coated in the special Esband endless process and has much above-average reliability. Due to closely set manufacturing tolerances, Esband vacuum extraction belts, for example achieve optimum friction coefficients and  convince with great consistency at  high cycle rates. Specific Properties: ...

Conveyor Terms....For non-stop movement

Hello Everyone, Today we have come here with ''Conveyor Terms'' topic on the demand of interest. CONVEYOR TERMS: Angle of Incline –  The degree a conveyor is tilted from horizontal. Drive Pulley –  Pulley connected to a power source used to drive conveyor.  Usually the drive pulley is the head pulley, but on some kinds of systems, including many package handling conveyors, the drive pulley is located underneath the conveyor. Gravity Take-up –  Device used to remove slack and stretch in a conveyor belt.  A free weight is suspended from a pulley on the return side of the belt.  The take-up is free to lower as needed to remove any slack as the belt operated.  The gravity take-up is usually located as close to the drive pulley as possible. Head Pulley –  Pulley at discharge end of belt.  The head pulley is usually powered by conveyor drive source.  Pulley “pulls” belt along the conveyor. Return Idler –  Idlers used to s...