
Showing posts from August, 2019

What Types of Plastics Are Thermoplastic Belts Made From?

The beauty of the thermoplastic conveyor belt is the belts versatility. Thermoplastic belts have a broad range of chemical compounds (polymer and monomer chains). Based on the manufacturing and conveying requirements from the thermoplastic, varying types of thermoplastic belts can be manufactured to suit an array of industries. Each polymer compound varies in it’s properties and the elements for which it can perform and is used in conveyor belt solutions.  For industrial conveyor belts, the specific types of thermoplastic polymers are; polyurethane (PU), , polyethelene (PE) silicone(Si) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).  Polyurethane Belts (PU) PU belts are manufactured following FDA approved compounds and manufacturing methods to ensure that the thermoplastic conveyor belt is suitable for the food manufacturing industry. This belt can also be used across pharmaceutical, metal transportation and textile industries.  PU conveyor belts are used in these ...